Command Tab Plus 1 83

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Wondering how to use admin commands? Or, are you having problems getting your commands to actually work? This tutorial should help you get the answer to both. Open Command Prompt Here from the File Explorer File Menu. In File Explorer, navigate to any folder you want to open at the Command Prompt. From the 'File' menu, select one of the following options: Open command prompt. Opens a Command Prompt within the currently selected folder with standard permissions. Open command prompt as administrator.

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  2. Command Tab Plus 1 83 Manual
  3. Command Tab Plus 1 830

To display a tab on the Ribbon, press the Alt key plus the letter for the tab—for example, press Alt+ N for the Insert tab or Alt+M for the Formulas tab. When you display a tab this way, the Key Tip badges for that tab's buttons also appear. Then, press the key for the button you want. XSS classified into three types and these XSS Cheat Sheet will help to find the XSS vulnerabilities for Pentesters. In Reflected XSS, an attacker sends the victim a link to the target application through email, social media, etc. This link has a script embedded within it which executes when visiting the.

This section provides information on how to use SQL Commands to create, edit, view, run, and delete SQL commands.

This section contains the following topics:

See Also:

  • Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for detailed information about SQL statements and other parts of SQL, such as operators, functions, and format models

  • Oracle Database Concepts for conceptual information about SQL

  • SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference for information about SQL*Plus, Oracle's version of SQL

  • Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about the HR sample schema that is used for examples in this chapter

What is SQL Commands?

You can use SQL Commands to create, edit, view, run, and delete SQL commands. A SQL command can contain SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks.

When using SQL Commands, remember the following:

  • SQL commands created in the Query Builder can be accessed in SQL Commands.

  • Saved SQL commands must have names unique within a given workspace.

  • There is no interaction between SQL Commands and SQL Scripts.

  • You can cut and paste a SQL command from SQL Commands to run in the SQL Script Editor.

Accessing SQL Commands

To access SQL Commands:

  1. Log in to the Workspace home page.

    The Workspace home page appears.

  2. To view the SQL Commands home page you can either:

    • Click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands to drill-down to the SQL Commands home page.

    • Click the down arrow on the right side of the SQL Workshop icon to view a drop down menu. Then select the SQL Commands menu option.

    Description of the illustration sql_commands.gif


    For the purposes of consistency, this document uses the primary navigation path (or drill-down approach) when explaining navigation.

About the SQL Commands Home Page

The SQL Commands home page is divided into two sections: a command editor and a display pane. You use the command editor to execute SQL commands and the display pane to view output, saved command lists, and history lists.

Description of the illustration sql_com_top.gif

The top of the SQL Commands home page features a command editor and the following controls:

  • Autocommit. If available, click the Autocommit check box to enable autocommit and disable transactional commands. See 'About Transactions in SQL Commands'.

  • Display. Make a selection from the Display list to specify the number of rows of output to display simultaneously up to a maximum of 100,000. All rows of DBMS Output are displayed regardless of the Display list setting.

  • Clear Command icon. The Clear Command icon resembles a pencil with an eraser. Use this icon to clear the text in the command editor.

  • Find Tables icon. The Find Tables icon resembles a flashlight. Click this icon to view tables and views. See 'Using the Find Tables Icon'.

  • Save. Click the Save button to save the contents of the command editor, or the currently highlighted content to a file. You are prompted to enter a name and an optional description. The command appears in the Saved SQL list. See 'Saving a SQL Command'.

  • Run. Click the Run button (or press Ctrl+Enter) to run the command in the command editor, or the currently highlighted command in the command editor. See 'Running a SQL Command'.

Selecting a Schema

A schema is a logical container for database objects. To access objects in another schema, make a selection from the Schema list in the upper right side of the page.

Switching to Another SQL Workshop Component

You can navigate to another SQL Workshop component by making a selection from the Component list located on the upper right side of the page:

  • Object Browser. See 'Managing Database Objects with Object Browser'.

  • SQL Commands. See 'Using SQL Commands'.

  • SQL Scripts. See 'Using SQL Scripts'.

  • Query Builder. See 'Building Queries with Query Builder'.

About the Display Pane

A display pane displays at the bottom of the SQL Commands home page.

Description of the illustration sql_com_bottom.gif

The display pane features five tabs:

  • Results. Click the Results tab to see the results from the last successfully executed SQL command. Click DBMS Output at the bottom of the displayed results to display lines of DBMS output. This control only appears when there is DBMS output to display. Click Download to export results to a comma-delimited file on your local file system. See 'Viewing Results'.

  • Explain. Click the Explain tab to examine the execution plan used by the optimizer for statements that make changes to the database. Objects in the output are linked to the Object Browser. Click the linked object to view its properties in the Object Browser. See 'Using Explain Plan'.

  • Describe. Enter Describe object_name and click Run to display column definitions for a table or view, or specifications for a function or procedure in the Describe tab. Select links in the Describe results to write that information into the command editor. For example, click a table name to add owner.table, click a column name to add the column name, click a procedure or function name to add the object call with parameters, or click a package name to add the package call.

  • Saved SQL. Click the Saved SQL tab to display a list of all SQL commands saved in the current workspace. Click the command title to load it into the command editor. See 'Using Saved Commands'

  • History. Click the History tab to list your recently executed commands. Your last 200 executed commands are saved. See 'Using SQL Command History'.

Using the Command Editor

You use the command editor in SQL Commands to execute SQL commands within Application Express.

Topics in this section include:

Running a SQL Command

To execute a SQL Command:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Enter the SQL command you want to run in the command editor.

  3. Click Run (Ctrl+Enter) to execute the command.


    To execute a specific statement, select the statement you want to run and click Run.

    The results appear in the Results pane.

  4. To export the resulting report as a comma-delimited file (.csv) file, click the Download link.

About Transactions in SQL Commands

To disable transactional SQL commands in SQL Commands, check the Autocommit check box. Attempting to use any transactional SQL commands such as COMMIT or ROLLBACK when transactional mode is disabled returns an error message.

To enable transactional SQL commands, clear the Autocommit check box. Oracle Application Express verifies that the necessary system resources are available before entering the transactional mode. If resources are unavailable, an error message is displayed.

Transactional mode is a stateful transaction mode where you can, for example, perform an update, select data for review, and COMMIT or ROLLBACK changes. It is implemented using DBMS_JOBS.

Consider the following behavior in transactional mode:

  • Actions are not committed to the database until you enter an explicit COMMIT command.

  • Exiting SQL Commands terminates and rolls back the current transaction.

  • A session timeout terminates and rolls back the current transaction.

    Note that the Environment Setting, SQL Commands Maximum Inactivity in minutes, sets the time before an inactive session times out. The default timeout is 60 minutes. See 'Configuring SQL Workshop' in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

  • The CSV Export option is not available.

About Unsupported SQL*Plus Commands

SQL Commands does not support SQL*Plus commands. If you attempt to enter a SQL Command Line command such as SET ECHO or DEFINE in SQL Commands, an error message displays.

About Command Termination

You can terminate a command in SQL Commands using a semicolon (;), a slash (/), or with nothing. Consider the following valid alternatives:

The first example demonstrates the use of a semicolon (;), the second example demonstrates using a slash (/), and the final example demonstrates a command with no termination.

Using Bind Variables

Bind variables are supported. You are prompted to enter values for bind variables during command execution. Bind variables are prefixed with a colon.

For example

In earlier versions of Oracle Application Express, you could check your Workspace ID by running the command:

In this release, run the following SQL command to check your Workspace ID:

Saving a SQL Command

You can save commands you enter in SQL Commands.

To save a SQL command:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Enter the command in the command editor.

  3. Click Save to save the command.

    You are prompted to enter a name and description for the command.

  4. Click Save, or click Cancel to return to the command editor without saving.

    The saved command is listed in the display area.

Copying a Command

To copy a SQL command: Bloom image editor 1 0 481.

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Click the Saved SQL tab.

    The Saved SQL list of commands appears in the display pane.

  3. Click the title of the command to load it into the command editor

  4. Click Save to save the command.

  5. Enter a name for the command in the Name field and click Save.

    The command is copied to the new name.


Using Saved Commands

You can access the commands you save and commands saved by other users in the same workspace. You can also access SQL commands you and other users of the same workspace saved from the Query Builder.

Topics in this section include:

Accessing Saved Commands

To access saved SQL commands:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Click the Saved SQL tab.

    The Saved SQL list of commands appears in the display pane.

  3. Click the title of the command to load it into the command editor.

    The command appears in the editor.

  4. Click Run to execute the command.

About the Saved SQL Pane

The Saved SQL pane displays a list of all commands saved under the current workspace. The list displays commands saved from SQL Commands and SQL commands saved from Query Builder. Saved SQL commands must have unique names in the current workspace. The same name cannot be used in the Query Builder and SQL Commands.

Each command entry shows the owner name, the command name, the first characters of the SQL command, a description if it exists, who last updated the command and when.

Description of the illustration proc_savedsql.gif

On the Saved SQL pane you can:

  • Show commands by owner. Make a selection from the Owner list to specify the user whose commands you want to display. To view all scripts select -All Users-.

  • Search for a command. Enter a command name or partial name, or enter a code snippet in the Find field and click Go. To view all scripts, leave the Find field blank and click Go. You control how many rows display by making a selection from the Rows list.

  • Set the Number of Output Rows. Make a selection from the Display list to specify the number of Saved SQL commands to display simultaneously.

  • Delete a command. Click the check box associated with each command you want to delete, and click Delete Checked.

  • Sort commands. Click a column heading to sort the listed commands by that column.

Using SQL Command History

Commands you have executed are stored in the command history regardless of whether you explicitly save them. You use SQL Command History to access commands you have executed in SQL Commands.

Topics in this section include:

Accessing a Command from Command History

To access history commands:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Click the History tab.

    The list of commands in History appears in the display pane.

  3. Click the partial command displayed in the SQL column.

    The command appears in the editor.

About the History Pane

The History pane displays a list of commands you have executed.

Description of the illustration proc_history.gif

Each history entry shows the time the command was last executed, the first characters of the command, and the schema in which it was executed.

On the History pane you can:

  • Load a command. Click the partial command displayed in the SQL column to load the command into the command editor. When the command loads, it also sets the schema in which it was last executed.

  • Sort by time. Click the Time column heading to sort the command history by least recent or most recent.

Viewing Results

When you execute a SQL command, the results are displayed. The results of the last executed command are available until you execute another SQL command, or leave SQL Commands.

Topics in this section include:

Accessing the Results Pane

To display SQL command results:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Click the Results tab.

    Description of the illustration proc_results.gif

    The HTML formatted results appear in the display pane.

  3. Click DBMS Output to display plain text DBMS output results.

    The DBMS Output control only appears if there is DBMS output in addition to HTML formatted results. It does not appear if there is only DBMS output, or if there is only HTML formatted output.

About the Results Pane

The Results pane displays SQL command results as HTML formatted table. The number of rows returned appears after the output, and the time taken. DBMS output appears as plain text after the HTML formatted results.

On the Results pane you can:

  • Display DBMS output. Click DBMS Output at the bottom of the displayed results to display lines of DBMS output. This control only appears when there is DBMS output to display.

  • Export results. Click CSV Export to export results to a comma-delimited file on your local file system. You are prompted to enter a name and directory for the file.

Using Explain Plan

You can view the explain plan the Oracle Optimizer uses to run your SQL command. It is not necessary to execute the command to view the explain plan.

Description of the illustration explaintab.gif

Topics in this section include:

Viewing an Explain Plan

To view the Explain Plan:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Commands.

    The SQL Commands page appears.

  2. Enter or load the command whose plan you want to view.

  3. Click the Explain tab.

    The explain plan used by the optimizer appears in the display pane.

About Explain Plan Pane

The Explain Plan pane shows the plan used by the Oracle Optimizer to run your SQL command. It typically displays the Query Plan, Index Columns and Table Columns used.

On the Explain Plan pane you can:

  • View object definitions. Click the object name in Query Plan to display the object definition in the Object Browser.

  • View index definitions. Click the index name in Table Columns to display the index definition in the Object Browser.

Visual Studio Code has a powerful command line interface built-in that lets you control how you launch the editor. You can open files, install extensions, change the display language, and output diagnostics through command-line options (switches).

If you are looking for how to run command-line tools inside VS Code, see the Integrated Terminal.

Command line help

To get an overview of the VS Code command line interface, open a terminal or command prompt and type code --help. You will see the version, usage example, and list of command line options.

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Launching from command line

You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. To do this, from an open terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project folder and type code .:

Note: Users on macOS must first run a command (Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH) to add VS Code executable to the PATH environment variable. Read the macOS setup guide for help.

Windows and Linux installations should add the VS Code binaries location to your system path. If this isn't the case, you can manually add the location to the Path environment variable ($PATH on Linux). For example, on Windows, VS Code is installed under AppDataLocalProgramsMicrosoft VS Codebin. To review platform specific setup instructions, see Setup.

Insiders: If you are using the VS Code Insiders preview, you launch your Insiders build with code-insiders.

Core CLI options

Here are optional arguments you can use when starting VS Code at the command line via code:

-h or --helpPrint usage
-v or --versionPrint VS Code version (for example, 1.22.2), GitHub commit id, and architecture (for example, x64).
-n or --new-windowOpens a new session of VS Code instead of restoring the previous session (default).
-r or --reuse-windowForces opening a file or folder in the last active window.
-g or --gotoWhen used with file:line[:character], opens a file at a specific line and optional character position. This argument is provided since some operating systems permit : in a file name.
-d or --diffOpen a file difference editor. Requires two file paths as arguments.
-w or --waitWait for the files to be closed before returning.
--locale Set the display language (locale) for the VS Code session. (for example, en-US or zh-TW)

Opening Files and Folders

Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified file does not exist, VS Code will create them for you along with any new intermediate folders:

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For both files and folders, you can use absolute or relative paths. Relative paths are relative to the current directory of the command prompt where you run code.

If you specify more than one file at the command line, VS Code will open only a single instance.

If you specify more than one folder at the command line, VS Code will create a Multi-root Workspace including each folder.

fileName of a file to open. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created and marked as edited. You can specify multiple files by separating each file name with a space.
file:line[:character]Used with the -g argument. Name of a file to open at the specified line and optional character position. You can specify multiple files in this manner, but you must use the -g argument (once) before using the file:line[:character] specifier.
folderName of a folder to open. You can specify multiple folders and a new Multi-root Workspace is created.

Working with extensions

You can install and manage VS Code extensions from the command line.

--install-extension Install an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument. Use --force argument to avoid prompts.
--uninstall-extension Uninstall an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument.
--disable-extensionsDisable all installed extensions. Extensions will still be visible in the Disabled section of the Extensions view but they will never be activated.
--list-extensionsList the installed extensions.
--show-versionsShow versions of installed extensions, when using --list-extensions
--enable-proposed-api Enables proposed api features for an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument.

Advanced CLI options

There are several CLI options that help with reproducing errors and advanced setup.

--extensions-dir Set the root path for extensions. Has no effect in Portable Mode.
--user-data-dir Specifies the directory that user data is kept in, useful when running as root. Has no effect in Portable Mode.
-s, --statusPrint process usage and diagnostics information.
-p, --performanceStart with the Developer: Startup Performance command enabled.
--disable-gpuDisable GPU hardware acceleration.
--verbosePrint verbose output (implies --wait).
--prof-startupRun CPU profiler during startup.
--upload-logsUploads logs from current session to a secure endpoint.
--add Add folder(s) to the last active window for a multi-root workspace.

Opening VS Code with URLs

You can also open projects and files using the platform's URL handling mechanism. Use the following URL formats to:

Open a project

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Open a file

Open a file to line and column

You can use the URL in applications such as browsers or file explorers that can parse and redirect the URL. For example, on Windows, you could pass a vscode:// URL directly to the Windows Explorer or to the command line as start vscode://{full path to file}.

Note: If you are using VS Code Insiders builds, the URL prefix is vscode-insiders://.

Next steps

Read on to find out about:

  • Integrated Terminal - Run command-line tools from inside VS Code.
  • Basic Editing - Learn the basics of the VS Code editor.
  • Code Navigation - VS Code lets you quickly understand and move through your source code.

Common questions

'code' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Your OS cannot find the VS Code binary code on its path. The VS Code Windows and Linux installations should have installed VS Code on your path. Try uninstalling and reinstalling VS Code. If code is still not found, consult the platform specific setup topics for Windows and Linux.

On macOS, you need to manually run the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command (available through the Command Palette⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)). Consult the macOS specific setup topic for details.

How do I get access to a command line (terminal) from within VS Code?

VS Code has an Integrated Terminal where you can run command-line tools from within VS Code.

Can I specify the settings location for VS Code in order to have a portable version?

Not directly through the command line, but VS Code has a Portable Mode which lets you keep settings and data in the same location as your installation, for example, on a USB drive.

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